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comb 202 218 4181074 1 16 17 52 BEL AIR right comb 240 4190332 1 25 97 52 BEL AIR left comb 240 4190333 1 25 97 TRIM ASSEMBLY Front Sent Buck and Buck
Consists of 8 spark plug wires and 1 coil high tension wire with nipples and clips 2 240 WIRE Spark Plug with Terminals 29 55 ALL 6 cryl 15 length copper core ...
NOTE For all positions requiring this length 209 2 188 2 240
CONV BEL AIR left comb 226 236 4189573 1 36 30 52 BEL AIR right comb 240 4190323 1 36 30 52 BEL AIR left comb 240 4190324 1 36 30 53 1011W 27 right
Heater blower to housing 8 857 Spacer End gate hinge link 17 208 Spark plug wire 2 240 Sleeve Hydraulic steering adapter 6 560 Spacer End gate lock 17 200 Spark plug wire clip ...
spring U bolt 7 425 Sprag assembly Transmission insulator 6 760 Spacer Front stbl shaft support 7 240 forward cone freewheel 4 167 Sleeve Tailgate lock cylinder 12 249 Spacer Gearshift lever 4 017 Sprag
comb 237 4189342 1 23 35 52 BEL AIR comb 240 4190317 1 23 35 53 54 1011W 11WD comb 241 245 291 354 358 4191908 1 23 35 53 54 1011W 11WD comb
brown comb 234 4609938 1 44 50 52 BEL AIR coral comb 240 4612997 1 44 50 53 54 1011WD 69WD groy comb 245 291 309 358 4656366 1 44 30 53 54 1011WA 11WD
right or left comb 237 4189367 2 4 90 52 BEL AIR right or left comb 240 4190343 2 4 82 53 101 1W 27 69W right or left comb
suction side 3138673 1 9 75 57 PASS w C A C 3138674 1 9 75 9 240 SEAL Compressor Suction Pipe Not required in this Group see Group
PASS w C A C SEAL rubber 1 I D 5887997 2 9 240 55 56 PASS w C A C GASKET valve cap copper 1 D 624357 2 11 55 PASS
CORV 55 57 D D 2nd Ser NUT 0 24 3654642 2 05 7 240 LlNK SPACER Front Stabilizer 39 54 PASS exc IB KB bolt type 24 x 6 599432 2 30 57 PASS
CARRIER SMALL PARTS 50 57 PASS CORV w P G BEARING long and short pinion needle 7450410 240 01 57 PASS w T G BEARING rear carrier needle thrust 457119 1 95 57 PASS
Fldg Bolt Cylinder head 0 293 Bolt Quarter window reveal top No 1 14 215 14 240 14 340 Bolt Differential carrier cap 5 506 moulding 11 031 Bow Fldg top rear 14 340 Bolt
length type C 520446 1 60 53 57 CORV COUPLING 18 pipe threads 3706554 1 40 1 240 HOSE Radiator Overflow 37 57 ALL exc COE outlet I D 50 lt roll
plug 151 escutcheon 4 4 10 050 link grommet i i 10 168 distributor 2 239 2 240 2 241 Windshield garnish mldg rnfct 16 013 Windshield wiper Wim Rgveysinq switch 2 122 Windshield glass
CONV WASHER center to side bow internal lock 138538 2 8 932 14 240 BOW Folding Top Nlo 1 Side 50 52 CONV right with mole hinge 4590764 1 16 60 50 52 CONV left
gear adapter piston rod seal 6 584 Strg gear pipe 6 677 Stabilizer shaft support link 7 240 Strg gear ball 6 844 Strg gear pitman shaft unit 6 850 Stabilizer shaft Front
lock cyl gasket 12 247 Rear view mirror nut 10 186 16 068 Radiator overflow hose 1 240 Rear compt lid lock cyl retainer 12 249 Rear wheel 5 803 Radiator panel 1 263 Rear
rai1 14 140 14 340 iumpljome 11 925 shaft 5 490 Link Front stabilizer shaft supt 7 240 ump I ur Q1 Lever Folding top 14 483 Link Gearshift lever 4 006 1 mP deer
Harness unit Seat shoulder 14 875 1 Hinge sleeve Auxiliary seat 16 674 Hose Radiator overtlow 1 240 Head assy Folding top motor 14 482 1 Hinge Stake and sign board gate
UNIT consists of spacers washers screws and nuts 3736538 1 35 2 664 2 670 240
comb 202 218 4181092 1 16 60 52 BEL AIR comb 240 coil typo spring 4190340 1 41 80 53 1011W comb 241 4192004 1 26 80 53 101 1W comb
Detachable Back Caves 51 BEL AIR comb 186 4181026 1 39 50 52 BEL AIR comb 240 coil type spring 4190342 1 37 15 53 1011W 69W comb 241 4192348 1 29 10 53 1011W
iBlu Gl1 th 0 B 155 Green Leather Conv 239 Black Leather Grey Cloth Bel Air 1949 240 White Leather Coral Cloth Bel Air 216 Dark Grey Imitation Leather Sdl 156 Tan Striped Pile Fabric