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BUSHING reducing pipe 16 14 ext thd I8 int thd to hose nipple reducer 3138803 AR 30 ALL ALL CONNECTOR therm by pass hose at mani fold assy 16 14 exit cmd int thds |
Adapter hi 241 3 890 3138803 Reducing Bushing 1279127 3W yTee M Lg 241 50 14 Ext Thds 18 173182 3wuy 1y thy t g 45 Int Thds 8 866 lyggg |
Valve Packing Flange I 1 3732488 Oil Gauge Tube Upper New part required I 2 3138803 Reducing Bushing New part required Heater Hose Fitting Adapter K 2 3744411 Spark Plug Shield Right Front and Left |
Unit Pin and swivel type Not required if Clutch Fork is transferred from replaced engine O 2 3138803 Reducing Bushing New part required Heater Hose Fitting Adapter P 2 3744411 Spark Plug Shield Right Front |
lVltg Bracket S 1956 MODELS Require items B and D thru 1 plus the following K 2 3138803 Special Bushing New part required to Heater Hose Fitting Adapter L 1 3836130 Coolant Outlet |
replaced engine 1956 SERIES 3000 4 000 Require items B thru F plus the following G 2 3138803 Reducing Bushing e New pant required Heater Hose Fitting Adapter 1955 SERIES 3000 4000 Require items |
DESCRIPTION REMARKS L 1 1110847 Distributor Assy Purchase new or transfer from replaced engine lVl 2 3138803 Rectlucirrg Etuishing New par rt required for Heater Hose Adapter N 2 3744411 Spark Plug Shield |
plus the following H 1 3836130 Coolant Outlet Can be transferred from replaced engine I 2 3138803 Reducing Bushlng New part required Heater Hose Fitting Adapter 1955 MIODELS Require items C thru I plus |
MODELS Corr t r ITEM OUANTITY PART N0 DESCRIPTION REMARKS R 2 3138803 Redrucing Bushing 4 New part required Heater Hose Fitting Adapter S 2 3744411 Spark Plug Shield u e Right Front and Left |
hevtiring shaft must be supported before sta r tin the pressing operation NOTE On 55 56 models 3138803 reducing bushing must he used 1 073 BODY BOI T lEI 1l l lD Cloulunt Pump |