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Green 387 1 4771606 1959 1 1 C N0 2 Green 312 337 387 1 4764037 1959 H C N0 3 Green 312 337 387 1 4764040 1 1959 H C N0 4 Green ...
337 387 1 4764043 1959 98 H C N0 1 B1ue 388 1 4776306 1959 H C N0 3 Blue 313 338 38B 1 4776320 1959 H C N0 4 Blue ...
Beige 314 339 389 1 4764054 1959 88 588 H S N0 1 Green 312 337 1 4764031 1959 98 H 5 N0 1 Green 387 1 4764034 1959 H S N0 3 Green
Blue Drill 371 963 993 sunshades AR 4222875 1963 88 Conv 4 D S White Twil1 327 337 cush backs AR 4223463 1963 S fire 98 White Elascofab 87 967 997 cush 8z backs ...
White Elasc0faI 327 337 957 987 facings duzst boot AR 4223478 l963 F85 Dlx 88 588 White E1asc0fab 327 337 957 987 doors arm rest AR 4223918 1963 S fire 98 White Elascofab ...
doors arm rest AR 4224565 1963 88 Conv 4 D S White Fiber 327 337 center doors AR 4222855 1963 S88 S W White Fiber 987 center doors AR 382507 1963 88 Conv
Cutlass Front Pan 1 4412108 1964 S fire Conv Front Pan 330 337 B1ack 1 4437233 1964 S fire Conv Front Pan 332 Green 1 4437237 1964 S fire Conv Front Pan 333 Blue ...
Beige 1 4434922 1964 S fire H C 98 S C L S Front Pan 330 337 351 381 Black 1 4437227 1964 S fire H C 98 S C L S Front ...
Side Pan Beige 4434883 RH 4434870 LH 1964 S fire Side Pan 330 337 Black 4434884 RH 4434871 LH 1964 S fire Side Pan 332 Green 4434888 RH 4434875 LH 1964 S fire Side
Gray Carpet 4441445 RH 4441446 LH 1964 S fire H C exc C A C 330 337 B1ack Carpet 4392292 RH 4392302 LH 1964 S fire ...
Saddle Carpet 4392293 RH 4392303 LH 1964 S fire H C C A C 330 337 Black Carpet 4454567 RH 4392302 LH 1964 S fire ...
Regal Red Carpet 4454572 RH 4392301 LH 1964 5 fire Conv exc C A C 330 337 Black Carpet 4392340 RH 4392350 LH 1964 S fire Conv exc C A C 332 Green Carpet
Fiber 330 987 lower doors AR 4295897 1963 88 Conv 4 D S Black Fiber 327 330 337 lower doors AR 4224806 1963 88 Conv Black w simulated stitch 330 upper doors ...
valance AR 4295884 1963 Dlx F85 88 588 Black Drill 330 337 950 987 back of front back dust cover AR 4296337 1963 88 Conv 4 D S 88 S W Black Rayon ...
337 987 back of frt back lower sides facings AR 4222766 1963 S fire 98 S C Rose Elascofab 969 999 cush backs AR 4224570 1963 98 S C S fire Rose Elascofab
Conv S88 4 D S l l S H C Med Green Elascofab 27 337 347 cush 8 backs facings 8 dust boot AR 4299135 1960 88 588 exc S W Med Green Elascofab ...
337 47 357 377 doors upper arm rests 8 windhose AR 4299098 1960 88 588 Med Green Elascofab 307 317 327 337 347 357 377 bk offrt back1wr valance cush gl back facings dust boot
house Beige 4437249 RH 4450945 LH 1964 S fire H C W house 330 337 B1ack 4437250 RH 4437262 LH 1964 S fire H C W house 332 Green ...
house 338 Sadd1e 4437253 RH 4437265 LH 1964 S fire Conv W house 330 337 Black 4437244 RH 4437267 LH 1964 S fire Conv W house 332 Green 4437248 RH 4437271 LH 1964 S fire ...
Beige 1 4437118 1964 S88 Rear pan Beige 1 4434916 1964 S fire Rear pan 330 337 Black 1 4434917 1964 S fire Rear pan 332 Green 1 4434921 1964 5 fire Rear
rest w hose AR 4223918 1964 D88 S fire 98 exc S C White Elascofab 317 337 377 doors arm rest w hose AR 4224565 1964 D88 S fire 98 exc S C White Elascofab ...
337 377 cush 8 backs doors dust boot AR 4224559 643255 65 White 397 W house cover 8 rear 1 4 AR 4223920 1964 F85 88 D88 Conv White vinyl 967 997 dust boot ...
fire White vinyl 337 door arm rest AR 4224815 1964 OLDSMOBILE DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION
fire 98 H C 5 5 Conv 330 337 338 360 370 4393652 RH 4393653 LH 1964 S fire 98 H C S S L S 337
fire H C 335 1 4435973 1964 S fire H C 337 1 4435974 1964 5 fire H C 338 1 4435975 1964 S fire Conv 330 1 4435977 1964 S fire Conv ...
fire Conv 333 1 4435979 1964 S fire Conv 335 1 4435980 1964 S fire Conv 337 1 4435981 1964 S fire Conv
Conv Red 335 w fasteners 1 4330721 1963 88 Conv White 337 w fasteners 1 4460285 1963 88 Conv Saddle 338 w fasteners 1 4358879 1963 S fire 98 Conv Blue 383 993 w fasteners ...
fire 98 Conv Red 335 375 w fasteners 1 4438786 1964 5 fire 98 Conv White 337 377 1 4382789 1964 S fire Conv Saddle 338 1 4382790 1965 F85 Black 950 w fasteners
Conv 333 1 4371494 1963 88 Conv 335 1 4390619 1963 88 Conv 337 1 4395549 1963 88 Conv 338 1 4373852 1963 S fire Conv 990 1 4393803 1963 S fire Conv ...
fire Conv 333 l 4391762 1964 S fire Conv 335 1 4436160 1964 S fire Conv 337 1 4391764 1964 S fire Conv 338 1 4391765 1964 98 Conv 370 1 4436156 1964 98 Conv
Elect Wind 335 4436486 RH 4436487 LH 1964 S fire H C exc Elect Wind 337 4392740 RH 4392741 LH 1964 S fire H C exc Elect Wind ...
fire H C Elect Wind 335 4436482 RH 4436483 LH 1964 S fire H C Elect Wind 337 4392750 RH 4392751 LH 1964 S fire H C Elect Wind
Conv exc F85 Black Twill 330 332 333 335 337 338 370 372 373 375 377 970 990 cush 8 back facinas dust boot bas AR 4221855 1964 F85 Dlx I88 D88 Black Elascofab ...
back facings dust boot AR 4223160 1964 exc 98 S C Black Elascofab 307 311 321 330 337 360 370 377 390 397 920 930 940 960 967 970 990 doors arm rests carpet bind
Conv Lower 335 4330972 RH 4330973 LH 1963 88 Conv Lower 337 4395552 RH 4395553 LH 1963 88 Conv Lowe1 338 4382830 RH 4382831 LH 1963 S fire Conv Lower ...
fire Conv Lower 333 4391734 RH 4391735 LH 1964 S fire Conv Lower 337 4391738 RH 4391739 LH 1964 S fire Conv Lower 338 4391740 RH 4391741 LH 1964 S fire Conv Lower
White 305 307 308 318 328 330 333 337 338 348 988 995 997 AR 4223365 1964 F85 88 D88 Lt B1ue 393 903 913 923 943 963 973 AR 4224925 1964 exc F85 B1ue ...
Gray 371 over d00r gl 1 4 AR 4295856 1960 2 gl 4 D S Green 317 337 372 over door 1 4 AR 4299079 1964 OLDSMOBILE DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT
letter of XLGSD 308 Shipped by parcel post XLPSC 109 Refer to your wire of XLGST 337 Cannot locate your order number date XLPPU 110 Refer to your letter of XLGG ...
INQUIRIES ON SHIPMENTS See Code Nos 186 190 191 253 337 352 563 and 615 ADDITIONS CHANGES SUBSTITUTIONS AND ERRORS seo Code Nos 181 338 399 613 514 517 and 519 REPLY See Code
fire 98 exc S C Black Elascofab 330 337 360 370 990 arm rests w hose AR 4224793 1964 D88 S fire 98 exc S C Black Elascofab 330 360 370 990 cush 8 backs ...
facings AR 4222766 1964 F85 88 D88 S fire 98 exc S C Black Drill 307 330 337 360 9 940 947 960 967 970 977 997 Valance
B1ue 2 4217227 553637 D Trim 314 315 Gray 2 4202523 553037 DX 39SDX 3639SD Trim 337 338 339 351 371 377 378 387 388 397 398 399 1vory 2 4216401 56361I ...
Trim 330 331 332 333 337 338 339 360 367 368 369 380 387 388 389 Ivory 2 4263138 1957 98 H C S W H W Trim 316 336 366 386 Beige
Green 362 1 4762807 1958 588 98 H S N0 3 Green 337 377 1 4762804 1958 H 5 N0 4 Green 337 362 377 1 4762810 1958 H S No 6 Green
tvDe offset 335 375 Red 4443938 RH 4443939 LH 1964 S fire 98 Conv lst type offset 337 377 White 4443940 RH 4443941 LH 1964 S fire Conv lst type offset 338 Saddle ...
Conv 2nd type straight 335 375 Red 2 4465983 1964 S fire 98 Conv 2nd type straight 337 377 White 2 4465984 1964 S fire Conv 2nd type straight 338 Sa ld1e
fire Bucket Seat 335 passenger seat 1 4448108 1964 S fire Bucket Seat 337 passenger seat 1 4448110 1964 S fire Bucket Seat 338 passenger seat 1 4448112 1964 S fire Bucket Seat 330 driver ...
fire Bucket Seat 335 driver seat 1 4448109 1964 5 fire Bucket Seat 337 driver seat 1 4448111 1964 S fire Bucket Seat 338 driver seat
fire H C 335 1ess mldgs 4441530 RH 4441531 LH 1964 S fire H C 337 1ess mldgs 4441532 RH 4441533 LH 1964 S fire H C 338 less mldgs ...
fire Conv 335 less mldgs 4441544 RH 4441545 LH 1964 S fire Conv 337 less mldgs 4441546 RH 4441547 LH 1964 S fire Conv 338 1ess mldgs
Conv 588 4 D S S W Lt G reen Elaascofab 322 327 332 337 382 397 cush 8 backs bolsters 8 accent ...
Green Drill Ribbed 312 317 322 327 332 337 377 392 397 back of frt back center 1 A R 4299461 1960 588 Conv H C Lt Green Drill 342 347 352 357 back
Conv 337 Fawn 4395550 RH 4395551 LH 1963 88 Conv 338 Saddle 2 4465968 l963 S88 98 4 D S 51 355 361 White 2 4391875 1963 S88 98 4 D S 352 362 Green ...
fire starl H C 305 307 308 328 330 335 337 338 988 995 997 White 2 4430027 1964 l88 D88 H C 981 lvory 2 4443926 1964 88 D88 H C 982 992 Green
Colden Rocket 7 A A A A A 88 ily AAAA AAAA gek RubbeAA Charcoal Charcoal qenvertible 337 AAA A AMed GreerA RublyAA AA Ied Green Med Green Coupe 348 AA AA A Med Blue ...
Aluminum Med Blue Stadire 320 A lim l ii ji Black diner w i ii BME 98 337 AA lvory AAA Med Qrgen Carpet AluminunAA AA Med Greeii Einlidny sedan ix Ivory Med Blue ggryet
Blue Lt Blue Starfire 330 Ivog Leather BlacVPatte5 Cloth wiviwvwwvmn rASHver 7777 Charcoal r Ivory 98 337 Ivory Leather Med Greellgern Cloth Lt Green Med Green rlvory M Holiday Sedan 338 Ivor Leather Med Blue
Deluxe Blue Ez White Pattern Cloth 563611 69 Black Pattern Cloth Holiday Coupe 364 Beige Morroceen Bolster 337 Ivory Leather Bolster 563037 SDX Beige White Pattern Cloth Green Pattern Cloth 338 Ivory Leather Bo1ster
Dark Gray Pattern Cloth 335 Burlingame Red Leather Bolster 1955 Light Gray Pattern Cloth 98 Deluxe 337 Ivory Leather Bolster Holiday Coupe 361 Dark Gray Pattern Bolster Light Green Pattern Cloth 553037 DX Light Gray
mldgs 4315906 RH 1960 S88 4 D S 337 W moldings 4328376 RH 1960 S88 4 D S 338 W moldings 4328378 RH 1960 S88 4 D S 339 W moldings
From 8 rear 317 337 4328350 RH 4328351 LH 1961 F85 2 Doors 1 Door p1t1chwe1d901 971 2 4838656 I 1961 F85 Dlx 2 Doors Door pinchweld 972 2 4838736 1961 1 85 2 Doors
B1ue 4454380 RH 4454381 LH 1964 S fire starl 305 307 308 330 335 337 338 White 4430018 RH 4430019 LH 1964 F85 Cut H C 960 962 965 967 968 White
Gray 371 cntr plr AR 4299070 1960 4 D S Green 3l7 337 372 cntr plr AR 4299087 1961 F85 4 Drs Fabric covered Green 902 9l2 952 pinchweld lace
Conv S88 4 D S Lt Green 312 317 332 337 377 AR 4299458 1960 88 exc Conv S88 4D S Lt Blue 13 318 333 338 378 AR 4299459 1960 88 exc Conv
center plr sunshade tab AR 4222861 1964 D88 S fire 98 exc S C White Drill 317 337 377 qtr arm rest v hose AR 4224562 1964 98 S C Ivory dri11 381 sunshade
back facings dust boot AR 4223160 1963 Dlx F85 88 S fire 98 Black Elascofab 330 337 387 950 957 960 967 990 997 carpet bind w hose AR 4296305 1963 S fire
jetstar 1 307 Black 1 4448885 1964 jetstar 1 308 Saddle 1 4448888 1964 S fire 330 337 Black 1 4426555 1964 S fire 332 Green 1 4426559 1964 S fire 333 EI1ue
Conv 322 332 342 Green 1 4893047 1963 88 Conv 330 337 Black 1 4405699 1963 88 Conv 338 Saddle 1 4893050 1963 88 588 H S 311 341 Gray
Silver Fiber 331 332 333 3 335 336 337 338 339 390 397 398 doors lwr AR 4299486 1960 98 4 D S Silver Drill 361 362 363 366 doors center
Gray dril1 331 for valance AR 4287390 1959 88 S88 Med Green E1ascofab312 317 322 332 337 352 367 doors bo1sters cush 8i back facings upr back of back qtrs conv top boot
fire 98 Conv Holiday Red 335 375 AR 4225059 1964 S fire White 337 AR 4224518 1964 S fire Saddle 338 AR 4224519 1964 98 Conv White 377 AR 4224640 1964 98 S C Platinum
Conv 375 994 Red 1 4426508 1964 S fire 330 337 Black 1 4426520 1964 S fire 332 Green 1 4426524 1964 S fire 333 Blue 1 4426521 1964 S fire
Conv 327 33 1 337 B1a c1 1 4405698 1963 88 588 Conv S W 38 978 988 Saddle 1 4892448 1963 S88 S W 987 Black 1 381701 1963 S fire 990 997 Black
Conv Green J302 307 312 317 332 337 342 347 377 392 397 1 4796278 1960 88 S88 H T exc Conv B1ue
Gray pattern trim 330 331 AR 4299192 1960 588 4 D 5 5 W Green pattern 332 337 392 397 AR 4299193 1960 588 4 D 5 5 W Blue pattern
pattern Green 312 AR 4294932 593519 BODY pattern Green 332 AR 4296187 593537 39 BODY pattern Green 337 AR 4296207 1959 88 exc Conv S W 2nd Type BODY pattern Blue
fire 98 Conv Upper 335 375 4439166 RH 4439167 LH 1964 S fire 98 Conv Upp r 337 377 4383172 RH 4383173 LH 1964 S fire Conv Upper
Conv Upper 335 4372808 RH 4372809 LH 1963 88 Conv Upper 337 4395554 RH 4395555 LH 1963 88 Conv Upper 338 4382844 RH 4382845 LH 1963 S fire Conv Upper
Ivory Holiday Sedan 336 Med Beige Med Beige Lt Beige Med Beige I Lt Beige 99 337 Pale Green Med Green Lt Green Med Green Pale Green 338 Ivory Med Blue Lt Blue Med Blue
Dark Gray W7 I IvoryV W Dark Gray W Vlvory VWWWV Holiday SportSerlan 539 WWW 337 rWr rWMed Green r V W Med Green Wlvory V V Med Green W lvoryWVW V WV WQIZL
Conv 335 4382496 R1 1 4382497 LH 1963 88 Conv 337 4395562 RH 4395563 LH 1963 88 Conv 338 4382498 RH 4382499 LH 1963 S88 H C 341 less lower mldg
Eight 330 Ivory Black Aluminum Charcoal Holiday Sedan 336 L Beige Dark Beige Aluminum Med Beige 99 337 Pale Green Med Green Aluminum Med Green 338 Ivory Med Blue Aluminum Med Blue 339 Ivory Black
777777 um 7777777 o oooo 7l oooooumsoer oo iiigioumiug iW WWWWI WH W6 Wv 7 337 Pale Green Dark Green i Al W WWlWWWWWW W W d W WWW Holiday Sp0rlSedan 539 777777 77 77 7777 7777o 77oo
Conv 333 1 4381899 1963 88 Conv 335 1 4381900 1963 88 Conv 337 1 4395571 1963 88 Conv 338 1 4381901 1963 88 4 D S lst type 300 w concealed stitch
Blue 1 4319254 1960 588 4 D 5 336 Turquoise 1 4319256 1960 588 4 D S 337 Green 1 4328528 1960 588 4 D S 339 Fawn
fire H C 335 1 4436107 1964 S fire H C 337 1 4436108 1964 S fire H C 338 1 4436109 1964 S fire Conv 330 1 4436111 1964 S fire Conv
Ho1iday Red 1 4438806 1964 S fire H C jetstar 1 Rear Speaker 307 330 337 Black 1 4384567 1964 S fire H C jetstar I Rear Speaker 308 338 Saddle
Conv 333 1 4381996 1963 88 Conv 335 1 4381997 1963 88 Conv 337 1 4395573 1963 88 Conv 338 1 4381998 1963 88 4 D S 1st type 300 w concealed stitch
Conv 330 1 4395564 1963 88 Conv 331 1 4381685 1963 88 Conv 337 1 4395565 1963 88 Conv 338 1 4381689 1963 88 4 D S 1st type 300 w concealed stitch
fire 333 Bucket Seat 2 4435909 1964 S fire 335 Bucket Seat 2 4435910 1964 S fire 337 Bucket Seat 2 4435911 1964 S fire 338 Bucket Seat
Conv 331 4381788 RH 4381789 LH 1963 88 Conv 338 4381796 RH 4381797 LH 1963 88 Conv 337 4395568 RH 4395569 LH 1963 88 4 D S lst type 300 w concealed stitch
fire 98 11 C 338 368 4382680 RH 4382681 LH 1964 5 fire 98 Conv 337 377 4382678 RH 4382679 LH 1964 S fire 98 Conv
Conv 330 4352380 RH 4382381 LH 1963 88 Conv 337 4358456 RH 4358457 LH 1963 88 Conv
Lower 302 307 317 337 4312986 RH 4312987 LH 1960 88 S88 4 D S S W L0wer 312 332 392 397 4287719 LH 1960 88 S88 4 D S S W Lower
White 2 4442615 643255 65 a 398 Saddle 2 4442616 1964 5 fire PAD COVER 337 2 4391640 1964 S fire 98 4 D S H C PAD COVER
Conv 4 D S 327 337 957 4383870 RH 4383871 LH 1963 Dlx F85 2 Drs 958 4358622 RH 4358623 LH 1963 S88 S W 987 382514 RH 382515 LH 1963 88 Conv
fire 33 5 less mlclgs 4441504 RH 4441505 LH 1964 S fire 337 less mldgs 4441506 RH 4441507 LH 1964 5 fire 338 1ess mlclgs
Conv 330 w mldgs 4395556 RH 4395557 LH 1963 88 Conv 337 w mldgs 4395558 RH 4395559 LH 1963 88 Conv 338 w mldizs 4394840 RH 4394841 LH 1963 88 H S 311 w mldgs
Black 307 317 330 337 360 370 377 970 977 990 997 1 588711 1964 exc F85 Saddle 308 318 328 338 348 358 368 978 988 998 1 588712 1964 exc F85 Aqua
Saddle 338 388 968 978 988 998 1 587567 1963 exc F85 88 Black 327 330 337 387 960 967 987 990 997 1 587566 1963 98 4 D S 1 S Aqua
Green 302 307 312 317 322 327 332 337 342 347 352 357 362 372 377 382 392 397 1 4790394 1960 Med Turquoise 315 316 335 336 366 376 1 4790395 1960 Dark Gray
Conv 330 337 4376054 RH 4376055 LH 1963 88 Conv
B1ue 1 4454357 1964 5 fire H C star 305 307 308 330 335 337 338 White 1 4430023 1964 98 4 D S 341 Ivory 1 4438819 1964 98 4 D S 342 Green
Conv exc S T Red 994 589334 RH 589335 LH 1964 S fire Black 330 337 589338 RH 589339 LH 1964 S fire 98 S C Green 332 382 589340 RH 589341 LH 19645 fire
lvory vinyl 2 4315771 1960 88588 2 8 4 D S 312 3l7 332 337 Green vinyl 2 4315772 1960 88 888 2 gl 4 D S 31 3 318 333 338 Blue vinyl
Gray 3lO 311 330 331 1 4789265 1960 88 588 4 D S Green 312 317 332 337 1 4789266 1964 OLDSMOBILE DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION