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will be necessary to use washer l2L7394 8 92 9 All Pass 283 3733130 2 53 BOLT clutch housing attach 15 X 2 4 washer hd 300M steel 3 275 0 685 DOWEL Flywheel |
will ba necessary to use washer 720394 9929 All All 427 4 3733130 2 53 BOLT clutch housing attach 16 x 2 washer hd4 300M steel 3 275 0 685 DOWEL Flywheel and Clutch Housing |
NOTE 2 Whennsing BOLT 3736035 it will be necessary to use washer 720394 5 929 All Pass 327 3733130 2 53 BOLT clutch housing attach 16 x 2 I washer hd 300M steel |
When using Bolt 3735035 it will be necessary to use washer 120394 9 929 All Pass 396 3733130 2 53 BOLT clutch housing attach 16 x 2 4 washer hd 30OM steel |
When using BOLT3736L735 it will be necessary to use washer 7203 94 6929 All All 409 4 3733130 2 53 BOLT clutch housing attach 16 2 H washer hd 30OM steel |
using BOLT 3735035 it will be necessary ta use was rar 720394 8 529 All Pass 6 cyl 3733130 2 53 BOLT clutch housing attach 16 x I I 2 washer hd 300M steel |
ball stud 68 All w H D clutch 307 3899521 1 41 75 clutch ALL Pass 307 3733130 2 53 BOLT clutch housing attach 16 x 2 washer hd 300M steel |
BOLT clutch housing attach 16 x 1 300M stae pIain 3 275 Note 2 All Pass 350 3733130 2 53 BOLT clutch housing attach 18 x 2 washer hd 300M steel 3 275 NOTE |
necessary ta use washer 720394 92 9 All Pass 400 4 44 3733130 2 53 BOLT clutch housing attach 16 x 2 4 washer hd 300M steel 3 275 0 685 DOWEL Flywheel and Clutch |
BOLT clutch housing attach 16 x 1 n 300M steel plain 3 275 All Pass 454 3733130 2 53 BOLT clutch housing attach 16 x 2 4 washer hd 300M steel |
BOLT prop shaft damper U 5 586 73 74 Vega 140 exc A T 3733130 3 53 BOLT prop shaft damper I6 x 2 4 3 275 71 72 Vega 39930I8 2 93 NUT prop |