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complete overhaul also see group 0 289 g NOTE 4 When using on F C models 3777504 Seal must also be used 0 027 MOU NTING PLATE SPACER engine 60 CORVAIR
plug is used with crankcase 3849112 0 030 61 62 CORVAIR STA WAG 61 65 F C 3777504 SEAL O ring oil filler and level gauge Note 3 1 NOTE 3 Also used
Filler Tube and Gauge Assy 1 I l6 Oil Filler Tub HOIG Plug W 1 3777504 Oil Filler Tube and Gauge Seal from Crankcase and install in Gen and Oil Filter Adapter Station Wagon
Filler Tube and Gauge Assy 1 1 16 Oil Filler Tube Hole Plug F 1 3777504 Oil Filler Tube and Gauge Seal from Crankcase and install in Gen Oil Filter Adapter 1961 62 Sta tion
filler tube hole and transfer tube from replaced englne Damaged mbber seal can be replaced with part 3777504 t 1989 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION