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using 0n 63 and early 64 vehicles 0ne each of the f0 0vving must alse he erclered 3848639 Jacket 5672849 Clamp 454891 Belt 187119 L vvasher 9422296 Nut 6 5 66 Pass
drill 2 holes in end of mast jacket for clamp 64 67 Ser 20 230 D D 3848639 8 40 JACKET ASEIY 1 64 66 G 10 5692527 12 25 JACKET ASSIY
using on 63 and early 64 vehicles on each ol the tollovvlng parts must also Ire orrlerszri 3848639 lat l et 5672849 Clamp 454891 Bolt 187119 l 7V asher