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Pass w H Per 409 3857533 1 2 30 secondary choke side w 3855581 Carter 58 6535 65 Pass w H Per 409 3857534 1 2 30 secondary pump side w 3855581 Carter ...
Pass w l l Per 409 3857535 1 3 70 primary choke side w 3855581 Carter 58 7955 1971 Cl lEVFll0LET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPOFlATlON
WASHER primary Carter l3t 3 15 w 3i3 16240 47 3855581 1761 62 3875966 6749 64 65 Chevy Chevelle w H Per 327 65 Pass w H Per Dual 4BC 409 65 Pass ...
shaft Carter 1353 160 w 3760264 4593 3772600 37E 5568 7599 3815403 04 9207 3820580 50041Oi 7324 3855581 6580 38759E 4 F4 65 Pass ...
secondary Carter 61 483 vv 3846246 4 3855581 1761 62 BB 75966 6749 64 65 Chevy Chevelle w H Per 65 Pass w H Per dual 4ElC 409 65 Pass
piston housing Carter 101 436 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7698 7699 3815403 5404 9207 3820580 7324 3855581 6580 iii All 327 exc A l Fl Sp H Per 1470463 2 10 SCREW choke diaph ...
Carter 7 2175 w 3797698 3820580 7324 3855581 3875966 6749 G25 Chevelle w Sp H Per 327 as Pass 327 396 exc AIR Sp H Per 9 Chevy Chevelle 327 396 Pass
Pass 409 exc dual 4BC LEVER choke w 3797698 3820580 7324 3855581 66 All 327 exc A R Sp H Per 3819147 1 30 w 3875966 6749 65 Pass 409 exc dual 4BC LEVER choke ...
shaft w 3797698 3820580 7324 3855581 66 All 327 exc A R Sp H Per 3819146 1 30 w 3875966 6749 1971 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION
dual 4BC V 3819145 1 3 00 LEVER choke shaftw washer w 3797698 3820580 7324 3855581 4 65 Pass 409 exc H Per dual 4BC 7010362 1 1 65 LEVER choke w shaft 65 Pass ...
dual 4BC 3815052 1 05 PIN choke piston Carter 150 311 w 3797698 3820580 7324 3855581 62 Chevy 6 cyl 7012610 1 56 PISTON w 7020105 0108 64 65 Chevy Chevelle w 4ElC
Carter 101 3795 slotted fillister hd and L washer No 10 32 x 1 w 3851761 2 3855581 1761 2 3875966 6749 3 792 JET Carburetor Metering Rod with Gasket 62 Chevy
dual 4BC 3815046 1 75 ROD choke connector Carter 115 303 w 3797698 3820580 7324 3855581 65 Pass 409 exc H Per dual 4BC 7010222 1 37 ROD choke 65 Pass
fast idle connector Carter 115 353 w 3797698 3820580 7324 3855581 3875966 6749 3 774 NOZZLE Carburetor 65 66 Pass w A T 396 exc A l R 66 Pass
Pass 409 exc dual 4BC 3814829 1 45 primary Carter 2 243 w 3797698 3820580 3855581 65 Chevelle w Sp H Per 327 primary w 3863150 66 Pass
dual 4BC 3815039 1 70 SCREW center shaft lever Carter 14 5923 w 3797698 3820580 7324 3855581 66 Chevy Chevelle w A l R 283 exc 4BC 66 Pass
Pass 409 exc dual 4BC 3794439 1 6 60 w 3825580 7324 3855581 No 900 138 66 Pass 327 exc A I R 66 Chevy Chevelle
HOUSING Carter 170 5773 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3705566 3797699 3815404 9207 3820580 7324 3855581 6580 65 Pass w Carter 4BC 3759936 1 3 65 HOUSING Carter 170 5858 w 3846246 7 65 Pass
SPRING pump return lower Carter 61 171 w 3846246 7 3855581 1761 62 3875966 68 Chevy Chevelle 327 exc A I R Sp H Per 1875351 1 20 w 3875906 6749 65 Chevelle
Pass w H Per 409 3826501 2 30 standard Carter 16 202 w 3820580 7324 3855581 65 Pass 396 7031208 2 1 14 secondary w 7025200 01 20 21 65 Pass
primary pump side w 3855581 Carter 58 796S mt MEC 83 GZ 4 2 1 1l k Sp 1 e r i 7029588 1 7 90 primary
Pass 409 exc dual 4BC SHAFT choke w lever w 3797698 3820580 7324 3855581 66 Chevy Chevelle 327 exc A l R Sp H Per 66 Pass
assy AF B3721SB 65 Pass w H Per 409 exc dual 4BC 3855581 1 62 00 assy AFB3783 S 65 Pass
cover Carter 65 43 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 04 9207 3820580 6004 06 7324 3855581 6580 3875966 6747 65 Pass 396 exc Sp H Per RETAINER power piston
seat and gasket Carter 25 6715 w 3820580 7324 3855581 65 Pass 409 exc H Per dual 4BC 7023811 1 2 75 primary w seat and gasket Roch 65 Pass
opening A R 65 Pass w H Per 409 1456135 2 95 secondary w 3855581 Carter 120 159 65 Pass w P G 409 exc H Per dual 4BC 7008680 2 91 main
approx Vu 64 65 Pass w H Per dual 4BC 409 7009575 A R 95 primary w 3855581 Carter 120 224 64 65 All w H Per 327 1460475 1 95 primary