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Tilt L P Gas w 3943175 69 Ser 60 427 2370787 1 25 w 3924592 3943176 68 Ser 40 250 7034209 1 96 main 45n approach ...
Holley 4BC 427 2334344 2 24 secondary w 3943176 NOTE Stamp on top or side denotes orifice diameter in thousands 1971 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION
4199A 68 70 Ser 60 w 4BC 427 3943176 1 165 10 R 420OA HOLLEY MAJOR REPAIR KIT NOTE Repair kits consist of necessary parts to overhaul one carburetor including jets nozzles intake needle
Holley 4BC 427 3877174 A R 10 BRACKET carb float shaft retainer w 3943176 55 67 All 8 cyl Roch 2BC 4BC exc quadrajet 68 70 All w Roch 2BC 8 cyl exc quadrajet
Holley 4BC 427 3958066 1 22 50 DIAPII IRAGM ASSY secondary throttle w 3943176 1971 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATl0N