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GEAR Flywheel Ring 62 74 All 6 cyl 75 Chevelle 75 Nova Camaro 6 cyl 3991408 1 10 90 13 A dia 75 Nova Camaro 6 cyl 3991407 1 14 25 GEAR |
BOLT 20 x 6 290M steel 0 673 GEAR Flywheel Ring 68 72 All 307 3991408 1 10 90 73 All 307 3991407 1 14 25 GEAR 0 679 PAN COVER SCREW Flywheel NOTE |
29OM steel 0 673 GEAR Flywheel Ring 65 70 All 396 3991408 1 10 90 GEAR 0 679 PAN COVER SCREW Flywheel NOTE 1 This part is also used as a replacement part with Rebuilt |
flywheel 7 is dia x 7 B long 0 673 GEAR Flywheel Ring 70 75 All 400 3991408 1 10 90 GEAR 0 679 PAN COVER SCREW Flywheel |
BOLT G 20 x 6 r 290IVl steel 0 673 GEAR Flywheel Ring 65 All 409 3991408 1 10 90 GEAR 0 679 PAN COVER SCREW Flywheel NOTE 1 This part is also used |
BOLT 6 20 x 6 290M steel 0 673 GEAR Flywheel Ring 62 70 All 153 3991408 1 10 90 GEAR 0 679 PAN COVER SCREW Flywheel |
BOLT Wis 20 x st 29OM steel 0 673 GEAR Flywheel Ring 62 67 All 283 3991408 1 10 90 GEAR 0 679 PAN COVER SCREW Flywheel 62 65 Police Taxi |
290lVI steel 0 673 GEAR Flywheel Ring 62 69 All 327 3991408 1 10 90 GEAR 0 679 PAN COVER SCREW Flywheel 64 69 Chevy Chevelle w P G 327 65 69 Pass |
BOLT IG 20 x 5 G4 290M steel 0 673 GEAR Flywheel Ring 67 75 All 350 3991408 1 10 90 13 4 dia 73 75 All 350 3991407 1 14 25 GEAR |
BOLT 7 is 20 x 5 S4 290M steel 0 673 GEAR Flywheel Ring 72 All 402 3991408 1 10 90 GEAR 0 679 PAN COVER Flywheel |
BOLT is 20 x 5 E4 290Nl steel 0 673 GEAR Flywheel Ring 66 69 All 427 3991408 1 10 90 GEAR 0 679 PAN COVER SCREW Flywheel NOTE 1 Use with washer 120393 group |
flywheel Is dia x a long 0 673 GEAR Flywheel Ring 70 75 All 454 3991408 1 10 90 GEAR 0 679 PAN COVER SCREW Flywheel |