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NOTE When installing 4093394 on 1939 models it is necessary to use 1 4082341 bolt 1 4042967 washer see gr 10 308 and 1 4093390 link gr 10 335 1940 CLOSED less link ...
thic1 3665540 02 2 1939 CLOSED BOLT link to cover lg 20 x oval head with shoulder 4082341 10 1 1939 CLOSED WASHER link to cover
Remoye 22408398 6 10 351 Z 4082341 10 301 10 1 4083376 10 1 41 Uee 40917BIj 4083518 45 1 7 Removeg 4 839 B7 10 351 2 I S 4082341
BOLT Windshield Swing Arm Pivot 1933 SGL UNIT BOLT 54 20 x oval head w shoulder 4082341 10 308 2 16 040 WEATHERSTRIP Windshield 1929 32 1929 32 CCAB 1930 32 OPEN CAB lower rubber