Book | Page | Context |
4090503 4084782 10 351 30 00 4087834 10 686 2 50 4089981 10 660 01 1 4090138 10 563 10 4084783 8 1 45 Removed ... 4090503 5 4099941 10 696 I 4090117 11 119 7 00 5 4090220 12 048 21Z 4086631 3 1 46 Rgmcved ... Removed I 4089978 10 661 1 90 5 4090135 10 500 55 1 4090503 10 710 4087428 5 1 48 Removed 4089979 10 858 45 4090196 10 500 55 4090503 |
lobs 1009 19 1209 19 right and left M wide x 2714 long with chrome beads 4090503 11 084 2 1940 42 CLOSED right and left wide x 35 long with chrome beads | ||
right and left YQ wirle x 27 M long with chrome beads AA AAA AAAAAAAAA 4090503 30 2 1940 42 CLOSED A AAAAA AA A A AAAAA right and left 1 wide x 35 long | ||
Iobs 10 09 19 1 209 19 lower outer 27 ki long 4090503 11 084 2 1940 Iobs 1019 1219 1519 1941 42 lobe 1019 1219 outer 35 long | ||
length 4079824 10 1 1939 CLOSED right and left M wide x 27 long w chrome beads 4090503 1 1 084 2 1939 lobs 1001 11 1201 11 1940 42 CLOSED exc Iobs |