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5O14 41 32000 11 1 111 4 15 0 4132440 121010 0000 4 129512 14 136 10 4131301 ...
4131301 U 68 g 2 5 4132244 11 17151 2075 4132451 12 934 3 00 4129676 11 075 8 00 4131371 10 0315 275 4132245 10 72 1 00 4132468 2 1 43 Removed
door and body 4160188 1 65 L 1929 31 1942 front door Closed 1929 30 Closed 4131301 05 B01t hinge to door 1942 back door Sd1 1931 Sdl 4125578 05 Bolt hinge to pi11ar rnfct