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Bearing P 20726 4131427 10 694 W eatherstrip GM 02 374602 5 420 Axle Shaft P 21456 4143069 10 694 Neatherstrip GM EI 3836140 0 543 Bearing P 21457 4143070 10 694 Wea therstrip ...
Bearing P 21459 4143072 10 694 lNeatherstrip GM 1 1 601911 5 420 Axle Shaft P 21462 4143073 10 694 Neakherstrip GM 12 601912 5 420 Axle Shaft P 21465 4143074 10 694 1Neatherstrip ...
420 Axle Shaft P 21464 4143075 10 694 1Nealherstrip GM 213 364823 5 420 Axle Shaft P 21465 4143076 10 694 lNeat11erstrip GM 24 600524 5 420 Axle Shaft P 21472 4143077 10 694 Wvealherstrip
Beam 3657240 3657240 7 103 Horn 3681642 3681642 6 008 l Beam 3657313 3657313 5 420 Axle Shaft 3681660 3681660 5 403 Plate Spring 3657314 3657314 5 420 Axle Shaft 3681664 3681664 5 403 Plate ...
Pinion 3682199 3682199 5 476 Retainer 3657963 3657963 3 609 Pipe Exhaust 3682461 3682461 5 420 Axle Shaft 3658409 3665989 7 103 Horn 3682462 3682462 5 420 Axle Shaft 3658410 3665990 7 103 Horn ...
loint 3683054 3683054 7 421 Retainer 3658725 364440 5 548 U loint 3683161 3683161 5 420 Axle Shaft 3658725 600865 5 548 U loint 3683162 3683162 5 420 Axle Shaft
Housing 3702173 3702173 0 027 Mounting 3704898 3704898 3 705 Pipe 3702206 3702206 5 420 Axle Shaft 3704972 3704972 1 066 Belt 3702219 3702219 5 420 Axle Shaft 3704989 3704989 3 701 Muffler ...
420 Axle Shaft 3704995 3704995 3 609 Pipe 3702222 3702222 5 420 Axle Shaft 3704998 3704998 3 705 Pipe 3702226 3707515 5 510 Case 3704999 3704999 3 705 Pipe 3702227 3702227 5 420 Axle Shaft ...
Seal 3702228 3702228 5 420 Shaft 3705018 3705018 1 153 Outlet 3702230 3702230 5 420 Axle Shaft 3705183 3705182 5 555 Flange 3702244 3717213 5 529 Ring 3705359 3705359 3 705 Pipe
Support 602253 604486 2 274 Pulley 591907 591908 4 103 Case 602441 602441 5 420 Axle Shaft 591953 591954 4 103 Case 60 2444 602444 5 420 Axle Shaft 592125 592124 4 634 lEl rac1 ...
Gear 592194 602043 5 510 Case Dilif 602969 602969 5 420 Axle Shaft 593001 602443 5 529 Pinion 602970 602970 5 420 Axle Shaft 593002 602443 5 529 Fling Gear ...
Pitman 593009 593009 5 510 Case Diiff 603617 603617 5 420 Axle Shaft 593009 3691463 5 510 Case 603618 603618 5 420 Axle Shaft 593021 604381 5 504 Cairrzier 603648 603648 3 798 let Carb
420 Shaft 512 1116512 2 188 Switch 57 7002957 3 792 let 544 1 1 16544 2 188 Switch 58 371 1458 5 420 Shaft 547 1 1 16547 2 188 Switch ...
Hinge Windshield 89 837490 3 792 let Carb 842 598842 16 020 Hinge Windshield 90 3709890 5 420 Shaft 855 11 18855 2 500 Regulator 90 4114480 10 456 Hinge 931 1906931 2 285 Brush ...
Brush 95 838798 3 792 let Carb 942 1118942 2 500 Regulator 95 3702295 5 420 Shaft 944 1923295 2 285 Brush 95 7004523 3 794 Support 945 1118945 2 500 Regulator
NZJEL r I I 3707391 3707391 5 403 Plate 371 1458 371 1458 5 420 Shaft 3707396 3707396 5 403 Plate 371 1466 371 1467 5 505 Carrier Assy 3707510 3707510 5 809 Drum Assy ...
Mounting 3709877 3709875 6 859 Arm 3714230 3714230 0 027 Mounting 3709890 3709890 5 420 Shaft Axle 3714241 3714241 6 859 Arrn 3709983 3709983 6 169 Shaft 3714330 3714330 3 701 Muffler ...
Beam 3714708 3714710 5 545 Flange 3711416 3718101 5 529 Ring 37147135 3714735 5 420 Shaft 371141 7 3718101 5 5 29 Pinion 3714741 3714741 5 403 Plate 3711436 371 1436 6 008 1 1Beam
Suppoxrt Strg Knuck 36947 55 36947 55 5 420 Axle Shaft 3587652 3687652 6 023 S uppmrt Strg Knuc 3694756 36947 56 5 420 Axle Shaft 3687664 3690685 6 169 S bait ...
420 Axle Shuiit 3694768 369 4768 6 307 Hub 3687768 3687768 5 420 Axle Shaiit 369 4TZ 6 3 3694769 5 420 Axle Shaft 3687951 3687951 6 886 Sleeul ...
420 Axle Shaft 3687978 3687978 3 705 Pipe 36948913 3694893 6 859 Arm 3687994 3687994 3 705 Pipes 3694S O 5 3694905 6 859 Arm 368800 1 3691993 0 683 Housing
COMM 46 50 TON cast 599218 1lno stmpd 963 369963 2 7 00 420 39 48 PASS exc IB stmp d 218 599218 2 6 50 396 39 COE 40 42 UTILITY w hvy duty ...
cast 3683818 3683818 2 13 20 792 49 50 PASS cast 3687631 3687631 2 7 00 420 51 54 PASS 53 58 CORV cast 3694757 3694757 2 7 00 420 51 58 TON cast ...
420 54 55 1 TON w 2 SPD lst Ser exc SBC 55 58 1 TON 2nd Ser exc hvy duty SBC cast
COMM exc 1J 1 3684145 1 10 05 603 4 Q LAL 3684324 1 7 00 420 4E 53 PASS ...
OYM1 f lu Se j D 3701226 1 7 00 420 5455 UT 11 lst 50 370 1 085 1 7 00 420 ...
iovmz 3736336 1 10 05 603 55 QC CHL End xxppw 3736379 1 7 00 420 11111 21111 Sm 10we 3731523 1 9 00 540 56 PASS 10 from bzwrmer
Pinion 310903 3109032 19 iflmre 36522911 3652293 5 420 Axle Shaft 3112128 311212 8 1 219 Cure 3652294 3652294 5 420 Axle Shaft 3112375 3112375 1 219 Cem f36E12133 604382 5 504 Dill Carrier ...
Care 36521336 3652336 5 510 Case Diff 3114520 3114520 1 219 Ceie 36521341 3652341 5 420 Axle Shaft 31 14869 31 14869 1 219 Core 36521342 3652342 5 420 Axle Shaft
sector 605404 1 7 00 420 36 42 COMM UTIL w 4 SPD exc L6 TON COE 46 47 UTIL DS ES exc COE less sector 602917 1 6 60 396 38 PASS w sector ...
only 3651573 1 6 80 408 39 48 PASS w sector under cowl 3685283 1 7 00 420 47 55 COE 3847529 1 4 80 288 48 51 1 TON UTILITY ...
PASS w brkt and black h 1111d 1e 3715829 1 7 00 420 53 57 CORV w brkt and chrome handle 3710437 1 6 00 360 55 56 PASS w brkt and chrome hairlclle
LOCK Front Door 37 39 PASS right 4082040 1 7 00 420 37 39 PASS left 4082041 1 7 00 420 40 PASS left 4102239 1 7 00 420 41 48 PASS right
step panel 3686222 1 4 05 243 47 55 COE PAD left scuff 3685907 1 7 00 420 W 47 55 COE PAD right scuff 3685908 1 7 00 420
FILLER left upper corner 4640750 1 40 24 55 57 1064 REINFORCEMENT rigltit 4662730 1 7 00 420 55 57 1064 REINFORCEMENT left 4662731 1 7 00 420 55 57 1064 REINF ORCEMENT right locvlc
left 4605848 1 4 50 270 53 54 CONV right 4603083 1 7 00 420 53 54 CONV left 4603084 1 7 00 420 53 54 SPT CPE right front
door 4729572 1 8 20 492 STA WAG 4 DR right rear door 4729569 1 7 00 420 STA WAG 4 DR left rear door 4729570 1 7 00 420 SDL rear door
Cylinder assy Vacuum power jpulsatcr 3 910 3 904 Distributor vac control coupling 2 420 brake 4 901 Diaphragm Trans vacuum Distributor vac control cplg gskt 2 421 Cylinder assy Vac power modulator ...
Cylinder block assy 0 033 control valve 4 947 Distributor vac control suction pipe 2 420 Cylinder Door llock outside Diaphragm Vac power brake cyl 4 922 Distributor weight 2 388 handle
420 Axle shun numbers which appear on the 1 z 1 1rts 06 4191722 10 655 Channel 1 16 4191726 10 657 Shaft Some identification numbers are Z1 l 1 llZl C1f1l with ...
Numb9IS 30 3741956 0 297 Valve g 1 30 3750949 0 296 Valve 5 41 3652341 5 420 Shaft F or your convenience bearings are listed in three 41 3555535 5 323 Dei1e
right front 3676222 1 10 40 624 47 55 V COE left front 3700227 1 7 00 420 47 55 COE right front 3700228 1 7 00 420 47 55 COE left rear
flange side 5 3704482 2 16 90 1014 55 PASS cast 3707117 3707117 2 7 00 420 56 57 PASS cast 3725849 3725849 2 7 00 420 56 58 2 TON cast
CORVETTE roof rail hdr right r111 l 1 er 3739398 1 7 00 420 56 58 CORVETTE roof rail hdr left 1ru1 Et a 1r 3739397 1 7 00 420 53 54 CONV RETAINER right
body repair kit 12 800 Plate Fldg top guide 14 090 Pipe Distr vac control suction 2 420 Plastigage 0 093 l Plate Fldg top hyd mtr Pipe Engine to muffler exhaust 3 609 Plate ...
Plate Lower end gate 12 195 Pitman arm 6 859 Plate Dom dovetml bumpir 16 420 Plate Main cylinder piston stop 4 656 Pitman arm bushing 6 862 wedge lo 46 Plate Main cylinder push
ASSY lS A SKET SEAL COVER Air Duct 49 52 PASS to cowl 3690233 1 7 00 420 49 54 PASS COUPLING duct assy rul l er 4 1 D x 2 wide ...
PASS DUCT ASSY front air 3734521 2 7 00 420 57 PASS DUCT ASSY left rear air swirl valve 3734529 1 7 45 447 57 PASS DUCT ASSY right rear ai r and valve
PASS 4678562 1 47 25 2835 55 56 PASS right instrument panel end 4639953 1 7 00 420 55 56 PASS left instrument panel end 4639954 1 7 00 420 56 57 CORV plastic laminate
420 3729978 24 X 1 8 143 181665 kg 20 X Lg 100 8 40 100 420
1062F 62FC right front comb 609 wlmldq 4246204 1 7 00 420 56 1062F 62FC left front comb 609 w m1c1g 4246205 1 7 00 420 56 1062F 62FC 63F right rcor comb
COMM UTIL exc D D COE front from fuse bluzlclk forward 5288864 1 7 00 420 47 49 COMM UTIL exc D D COE roar from fuse bloc to rear
PASS w H L cam 348 exc 3 2ZBC valve primary Carter 101 420 w 3760264 25176459 3 7011 175 4 09 5 58 IPASS w H L cam 348 exc 3 2BC valve secondary Carter
420 mzvnszu ssmsmnsn
RETAINER Transmission Reverse 54 58 ALL w H T stationary 6 O D 8611937 1 7 00 420 57 PASS w T G 3740850 1 6 35 381 58 PASS w T G yellow paint
side doors on 1947 52 models irnclucled in st r ike r Group 16 335 16 420 PLATE Door Dovetail Bumper Wedge 37 46 SGL UNIT back door 1 jg wide x 2 x high
PASS CORV w 4 SPD ND 43307 LIA 954869 1 8 40 420 54 PASS w hvy duty 54 TAXI and POLICE 10 ball hi radial thrust
lower mm 4 y6O Ornarnrmt Front tender 1 147 FGYL Oil vVv v v 1 420 Panel Rear tender replacement 12 940 Ornament Headlamp 2 724 1 Pan Rear compartment floor 12 981 l pane
duty 3 SPD gear front of drum 591607 1 7 00 420 54 55 X 2 TON SBC lst Ser 55 56 X Ser 6C 6D 6E w hvy duty
COVER wheel hub 3708057 A R 7 00 420 55 PASS 55 COMM 2ncl Ser COVER wheel hub 3715378 4 9 15 549 56 PASS E Q TON COVER wheel hub st steel
REINFORCEMENT rear 3686260 1 7 00 420 54 55 COE REINFORCEMENT left bocliy half 3705505 I 15 9 54 55 COE 4 REINFORCEMENT right l odl y half 3705506 1 15 9 55 PASS REINFORCEMENT
doors 2038264 A R 55 33 46 47 STA VVAG front and rear doors 3807344 4 16 420 REVISED NOVEMBER
attaching w spring cimilt lock washer 453696 1 03 2 2 420 COUPLING Distributor Vcncuurrn Control 38 42 ALL tor 5 pipe E 4 24 int x Ei 18 611 1 1866lE
Collar Cowl side 12 804 power brake 3 278 Coupling Distributor vac con trol 2 420 Collar Fldg seat support retainer 11 380 Connector Radiator outlet 1 173 Coupling Propeller shaft 5 454 Collar Generator
Adapter Hydraulic brake 4 686 1 Ami assy Windshield wiper 10 147 Axle shaft 5 420 Adapter Rear compt lid lock Arm assy Windshield wiper 1 Axle shaft bearing 5 855 anchor plate
COMM w 3 SPD exc hvy duty thrust washer and needle brg 37250351 1 7 00 420 58 PASS CORV w 3 SPD thrust washer and needle
BRAKE PARTS Pm eller Shaft Duuil Shoe 51 58 ALL DRUM 591614 1 7 00 420 51 58 ALL SHOE inner 3694570 1 2 95 177 51 58 ALL SHOE outer
Turboglide Transmission r 4 419 Two Speed Rear Axle Vacuum Shift Mechanism 598 1958 Turboglide Transmission 420 Hub Bolt Chart 4 4 605 1958 Turboglide Transmission Clutch and Gears Exploded 421 Front Axle Heavy Duty
mcluding jets nczzles mtcmlw needle and sent pump lever etc 39 40 ALL exc COE fill Wl 420 5 Carter
Distributvr 2 364 WGSh9II HUM joint IInC nng I I 5586 bumper 10 584 16 420 Wick Generator oil 2 301 Wnshen UIIIVGISQI Icnntbnu I 5I5y5 I Weight Distributor 2 388 Wick Starting motor
Shield Ignition coil mtg 2 183 Shock abs arm link sleeve 7 358 Shaft Axle 5 420 1 Shield Manifold 3 602 1 Shock absorber assy 7 345 Shaft Brake 1 Shield Prop shaft bearing
Pinion 42254 3725065 6 103 Arm 355671 353294 5 510 Case Diff 42681 3730536 5 420 Shaft 355919 355919 5 152 Lever 44546 3749196 6 008 I Beam 355920 355920 5 152 Lever
chrome 11 0 10 758475 1 7 65 459 53 55 CORV chrome 759144 1 7 00 420 55 56 B chrome 11 O 1D 2 spokes
rear spring seat to axle hsg 18 47 54 TON x 4 597268 2 25 15 5 420 SHAFT Axle 36 R 35 O L stmp
BOLT Folding Tojp Alvuxiliuzry 53 54 CONV front 4596782 1 7 00 420 55 57 CONV lst type front 4659917 1 8 90 534 57 CONV 2nd type front