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643 RING UNIT Piston Service Sets NOTE lntlivltlttal cylinder pister ring IJITIISS std size only lor I EIVIHITIV replaeerrtent in a single engine cylinder may be ordered tltrri the local G lVl P D warehouse ...
IOTOR DIVISION GlEl lER lL IVIOTORS C0RPORATIOl l L REV 7 1 69 P 0 3sa 0 643 0 643
NOTE Use with crankshaft 3941184 0 639 3942423 396 427 RETAINER piston floating pin 16 0 643 3879912 427 RING UNIT Piston STD 1 0 643 3879913 427 RING UNIT Piston ...
643 3879914 427 RING UNIT Piston 060 OS 1 0 646 3887114 396 CRANKSHAFT ASSY for 3 8 rod bolts 1 0 646 3879621 427 CRANKSHAFT ASSY 1st design pressed
racl et V V V V V V V V V V V 4 643 HOSE Distributor Vacuum Control V V V V V V 2 420 HOLlE3lN E ASSY Carburetor with lpatlwar and HOSE
Pass 44 50 637 20 red AR 63 64 Impala 4460542 20 saddle AR 64 Flass 4450 643 20 lt fawn A R 64 Eliiscayne Sedan 4450644 20 med fawn
BRACE R H 64 Pass imc Sm Wag 3851773 3 45 BRACE L H 643 Pass ew Sm muy 3851774 3 415 BRACE R H 64 613 G 10 3833667 2 95 BRACE
vv1111 l a r 41 1211 AEM 111 Z1 1 MO91 63 643 1 Y1 1 1 i1 1I e1l1 l12 1 sr1 135 i 1 111l
CABLE Parrklrngr Brake FRONT 53 62 Corvette 3706146 4 20 t0 lever 643 Qt O L 1 55 57 Pass exc Conv 3710792 2 00 lever Ei2 32 O L 1 55 57 Cenv
ASSEMBLYV Steering Connecting ivvitn RING UNIT Piston Service Sets 0 643 internei parts A v V 6 870 RING UNIT Transmission 4 005 ROD ASSYAA Bedv Side end Reer r i iB i5y RISER Sear
thru 30 vv Brake Booster ext D D 68 69 Pass 5 I 643 6 RET A ll IEH air valve spring 1 4 922 PISTON ASSY PI EiTON PLATE WA SHIEFI1 DlAPl IRAGIVI RETAINER
Comb 887 838 889 g i 1 67 imgmln C aprn t Sm Wag 7 643 572 43 15 kcumh 87 M med 1 67 Sm zag cxx Bzsuayney 67 Bezl Aw Impala