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NUMBER AND DATE PRICE 11 031 8726835 discontinued 2 75 at 10 13 090 8728670 to 7720060 3 75 was 2 99 12 116 8726872 discontinued ...
7720060 12 75 was 1 53 12 116 8726873 discontinued 1 75 at 24 45 13 090 8728674 discontinued 4 75 at 15 60 14 688 8726915 discontinued ...
discontinued 5 75 at 35 13 090 8728701 to 7720060 3 75 was 1 97 14 804 8726975 discontinued
discontinued 5 75 at 42 41 13 090 8779592 to 7720060 1 76 was 3 18 14 800 8778206 discontinued
discontinued 7 75 at 86 94 13 090 8721817 to 7720060 3 75 was 1 62 14 685 8724729 discontinued 1 75 at 36 34 13 090 8721818 discontinued
DATE PRECE 14 686 4475771 discontinued 4 75 at 5 66 E 13 090 4481826 my 7720060 E t was 1 84 11 208 4475870 discontinued 1 75 at 3 54 13 090 4481832 disc
discontinued 7 75 at 31 92 13 090 9840161 to 7720060 1 76 was 2 22 15 000 9839407 discontinued 7 75 at 41 02 14 650 9840643 discontinued