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Body Service Manual August 1964
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2I 32 FOLDING TOP A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Q I F I ii r P O mp in Q en F me View V yi to 0 t 0 4 l l 4 I P I T z T j 4 1723 Fig 2 I 59 Hydi Leqnit A leem and Pump Disaggembled it Mmm Assembly I I Pump Covey Avvaelqing Screws B Mmm Slvcxtt O Ring Seal I lieseiyeii Tube and Bi l e1 Assembly C Peseiwii Seal J Reseu oil Filler Plug O Ring Seal D Outer Purnp Pomi l Reserve Filler Plug E Inner pump Hmm L Pege i r ii End Plate Almelwing Bell O Ring Seal F F ui l Conngl Iwe Bulls M Reseiwii End Plare Attaching B lr Washer G Pump Center Plate Agsemlnly N Reseluair End Plme Anuelling Bell 3 With a straight bladed serewdriver reindve red mutar lead and the m0t0r and pump assembly reservbir filler plus Nete sealinu ring arciund uperate trw fcirce the hydraulic fluid through the plug hoses tu the luwer ends mf the dtiuble actin cylin 4 Drain fluid from reservoir intn a clean ders The fluid forces the pisttln reds in the cuntainer cylinders upward thus raising the t0p The fluid in the trip uf the cylinders returns to the punip for re 5 With suitable teal remove belt frzinn end of cireulatimn tn the bettnm uf the cylinders When the isseml ly and remuvc reservoir tube Nmte Sezilinii centrul switch knob is actuated to the d0wn posi rinus areund belt and between end of reservoir tube tian the feed wire is connected ta the dark green and pump raver plate assembly 1lln n C 1 lead and the mutnr and pump assembly Oper ate in a reversed direction to force the hydraulic A bIY M d PUMP A55 mbIY fluid tllrritigili the htises tn the top uf the cylinders The fluid forces the piston reds in the cylinders l Pasition sealing ring nn pump and assemble qlqwnward thus lnwering the top The fluid in the reservoir tube to pump icc 0r ling to scribe marks bnttnni of the cylinders returns to the pump fur reeirculati n tu the tap uf the cylinders NOTE Bracket assembly un tube shduld be le at puter end when tube is assembled to RESERYORFILLER PLUG fi 2 Install and tighten attaching bolt 3 Place unit in hr riz ntal pbsitinn and fill with I I I fluid until fluid level is within 1 I4 inch af lower jk g edue of filler plug h i lt V l 4 Make sure that sealing ring is un filler plug JI l el rr installing iiller plug M Scmne LINE OPERATION OF FOLDING TOP AnAcHn 4s sou When the control switch is actuated t0 the up if ptisitien the battery feed wire is eonnected tri the Fig 2 l 6O HydrO Leeliie Mmm und Pump Asgembly